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Each Rider, Visitor, or Family member will get a warning and then be asked to leave if a Rider, Visitor or Family member breaks a rule or regulation.


Riders must wear ASTM/SEI certified helmets during their lessons, or while riding a horse with K&B Lessons


Riders must look professional in their attire. Please wear well-fitting shirts, and no crude or inappropriate designs on shirts, pants, or anywhere else. 
Riders must wear at least a 1-inch heel on their boots. Their boots must fully enclose the foot.
Riders must wear long pants, free of holes, bling, or harsh decorations that would damage a saddle or cause the rider to be hung up on anything around the horses.
All belts must have the buckle worn on the side, belts should not be worn with the buckle on the front to save the saddles from scrapes and extra wear.


Riders must use professional language at all times.

No swearing

No crude language towards horses, other riders, tack, equipment, instructors, etc.

No back-talking, gossip, name-calling, etc. to any human or horse on the grounds, show ring, etc.


Riders are asked to cancel their lesson at least 24 hours prior to their lesson.
In the event of needing to cancel or reschedule a lesson, a text or email must be sent at least 24 hours prior to lesson time. If the text or email fails to be sent out 24 hours prior, payment is still required for that lesson.
In the event of inclement weather, the instructor can cancel at least 1 hour prior to the lesson with no required payment.


Visitors to Riders must be pre-approved by an instructor
Visitors must remain quiet and still during lessons
Visitors are welcome to videotape, use their cameras, etc. Please refrain from using flash.
Visitors must wear shoes that are closed-toed.
Young children must be monitored and in proximity to their parents or guardian for the safety of the child, the rider, the instructor, and the equine.


Riders must be courteous to other riders in the arena.
Make sure that every rider is getting enough space to pass one another. All movements and jumps are called out with a loud voice for all riders to hear.
When a Rider is entering the arena, the Rider should call “Gate” and wait for a response before entering the arena.
All Riders must clean up any poop, poles, standards, or other arena props once they are done with their lesson.
All Riders must lock gates, lockers, trailers, etc. after they have been opened.
Riders are to return any equipment, grooming supplies, etc. back where they have found them.
Stealing, borrowing without asking, etc. is not permitted under any circumstances.
Riders are not to yell, scream, run, or cause alarm unless there is a fire, loose horse, or emergency.
Riders are asked to show up 5 to 10 minutes early for their lesson.
Follow the Barn/Arenas rules


All lesson appointments must be paid in full by the start of the lesson at the latest. It is preferred that the lessons are prepaid or paid on the morning of the scheduled lesson. 
If payment isn’t received by the end of the lesson day, a $20 late charge will be applied.


If you wish to progress faster in your equestrian journey, please learn, come with questions, and practice in between lessons.

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